In Ukraine, 1.2 million hectares of early spring crops were sown
According to the data as of April 16, early spring crops were sown in Ukraine on an area of 1.2 million hectares, which in percentage terms is 51% of the total forecast on the sowing.
Such information was provided by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.
With regard to the structure of crops, the biggest amount of spring barley was sown during this period, namely 828 thousand hectares, which is 52% of the planned amount. Next comes peas, sunflower, sugar beet, wheat and oats. These crops were sown on the territory of 265.000 hectares (63%), 211 thousand hectares (4%), 86 thousand hectares (28%), 70 thousand hectares (40%) and 67 thousand hectares (32%) respectively.
When inspecting winter crops, it was found that the crops brairded on the 99.8% of the total area. The total area of winter crops was 7.3 million hectares.
Also, winter rapeseed has brairded on the 99% of the territory. 892 thousand hectares are estimated to be in good condition, which is 89% of the total number of crops, and in a weak condition there is 103.2 thousand hectares, which is 10%.
It should be recalled that the sowing of industrial crops has already started in the Zhitomir region.
Ukrainian farmers have sown a record amount of grain crops this year. According to the latest data, over 1.2 million hectares were sown with early spring crops. This figure is a record for recent years and indicates a growth in grain production in Ukraine.
The increase in areas under grain crops in Ukraine is explained by favorable weather conditions and increased interest in grain farming. Grain crops are one of the main agricultural crops in Ukraine and have a high demand in the global market.
The record amount of sown grain crops also contributes to the increase in exports and the development of the country’s economy. Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of grain in the world, and the increase in production will help meet the needs of the global market.
However, despite optimistic forecasts, it is necessary to take into account the volatility of the global market and take measures to maintain export stability. It is important to continue developing grain farming and improving its efficiency to strengthen Ukraine’s economic position in the global agricultural arena.